Break in a relationship ?!?!!!! I’m going crazy

This might be a bit long

So my boyfriend of a year and 3 months decided that we have a break due to us arguing so often. I agreed to have it because I don’t want to just keep arguing and I want to save our relationship.

It’s been 4 days and I’m going insane. He’s ignoring my messages and talking to an “old friend” (the friend is a she).

Im a bit worried about this old friend because he’s talking to her non stop from the moment he wakes up till the moment he sleeps, and is hardly speaking to me. I know we’re on a break and we should be speaking less and seeing each other less but it’s hurts for me to know he’s talking to her. I do trust him and if he was cheating or anything like that he wouldn’t make it so obvious that he’s talking to her, but something in me doesn’t feel right with this girl. I hardly know her, he isn’t friends with her on social media, and she’s just come out of nowhere!

I can’t go a day without messaging him or checking where he is or anything, and I’ve been so upset these past 4 days thinking about the relationship and him and I don’t think he’s even had the chance to even sit down and relax and actually collect his thoughts.

How do I make myself not worry??? I want to make him miss me so he realises what we have is good, but I’m worried that he’s spending all his time talking to this “old friend”.

He’s my boyfriend but also my best friend so this is really hard for me 😪😪😪😪

This post was partially me ranting hahaha xxxx