Husband drinking too much


Hey peeps. Just need to vent a little. I know most of us adults like to have a few drinks on the weekends, whether with friends,family or by ourselves to just relax. My husband gets hammered on the weekends until he passes out. I’m really getting tired of it!! I’ve talked with him in the past and his response is “yeah I know I get f**ked up.” He doesn’t become angry or mean. Which is good for me and the kiddos. He gets off track as to what he’s doing and very irresponsible. Which is extremely irritating 🤬

He had mentioned to me the other night, “why are you not affectionate towards me?”

I simply stated it’s because of his choices on the weekends. His reply was,”well you have wine which is like having two beers to one glass.” I said yes I do drink wine, not every day and I don’t get wasted. I have three kiddos to be responsible for! I have a glass with dinner and maybe one more at night when everyone is in bed and I can relax before the next day. We’ve been married going on 18 years and unfortunately he comes from a family of drinkers. I do as well, I’m just more responsible as to what it does to a family and knowing I have responsibilities to account for. I admit I’ve lost compassion, and started building up anger towards him. I’m not as affectionate as I was before. I’m disgusted and disappointed with him. Please send me your thoughts and advice ❣️