How to stop tension and arguing?


Warning: this is a longer post, but i need the advice, so please stick with me..

So, my husband and I have been doing OK with not arguing about things lately, but this past week his parents have been bugging him about us taking the Yorkie at their house to ours. But that is starting to cause issue with us. Let me explain, I'm an animal lover, dogs and cats, I do love them both. But this dog is so freaking spoilt. She has this thing where she pees when excited and so she ends up peeing nearly anywhere in the house, she's even done it on my in laws couch. She will only eat a certain type of food and she doesn't even like us that much. She is technically my husband's, but given the choice between us and his parents she will go to them every time!! They have been taking care of her and paying for everything of hers, she even sleeos with them for crying out loud!! I'm wanting to leave her with them, but he wants her with us. And it's just causing issues that shouldn't even be there between us...I know it's mostly my fault, but I'm just wondering how to look past this awful dog. I really don't want her messing in my brand new house, but Idk how not to take her...