Miss Johnson pt. 10

Pete: Man, I can’t believe graduation is next month! Have you heard from Baylor yet?

Zach: I’m expecting a letter from them soon. How about you? You going to San Diego in the fall.

Pete: I’m going to San Diego no matter what! Nah but for real man, I hope I get in. I got to prove it to my old man & to myself.

Zach: I’m sure you got this.

Pete: Hey! Who’s that? He looks familiar.

Zach: That’s Miss Johnson’s ex.

Pete: You mean her baby daddy?

Zach: Yeah. But what’s he doing here?

Pete: Yo man, I got your back.

Zach: Stay here.

Pete: Zach!

Zach musters up some balls & walks right up to Tom.

Zach: Tom?

Tom: Hey kid. Help me out. Where’s Miss Johnson’s class?

Zach: What are you doing here? I thought you & Miss Johnson broke up?

Tom: And you must be that kid who’s been crushing on her all year. Look, step aside & show me her class.

Zach: I’m afraid I can’t do that. Why don’t I help you out the door instead?

Tom: Look kid, I’m not here to fight you, but if you don’t get out of my face, I might have a change of plans.

Jenna: Tom?

Tom: There she is.

Zach looked confused when Tom went up to Jenna to hug her. He thought their relationship was over & done with. Jenna brings Tom to her classroom. Jenna & Tom talked things over concerning where they were in their relationship. Tom tried to win her back, but she explained she was so hurt by him & was in love with someone else.

Tom: So you’re in love with that kid out there?

Jenna: Tom, we’re still kids. He’s turning 20 this year. He’s only 2 years younger than I am.

Tom: He’s still in high school, Jenna. Can’t you hear yourself talk? You used to be so good at reason & logic. What happened to you?

Jenna: I grew up & I outgrew you, Tom.

Tom: Look, if you don’t want to be with me, fine. But I want to be a part of this baby’s life. I want to be there when you have this baby & I want to help raise & support this child.

Jenna: Aside from financial support, I don’t need anything else. And I don’t want you at the hospital.

Tom: Jenna, please.

Jenna: You had your chance & you missed it.

Tom: So I’m too late. That’s it?

Jenna: That’s it.

Tom was a pretty reasonable guy even if he was stupid for leaving Jenna in the first place. Jenna was right, she grew up & definitely outgrew Tom. He left the school that day with an understanding that he’d never get the opportunity to raise his daughter or watch her grow. But at least he knew he could help by financially supporting her.

Zach watched Tom leave the school campus & ran in to Jenna’s classroom. He entered her classroom to find her with her head down. She was sitting in a pool of water & blood.

Zach: Jenna! Are you ok?

Jenna: We need to go to the hospital.

Zach calls 911 & the best thing for the baby was for Jenna to deliver the baby in her classroom.

Jenna: Zach, I’m scared. Please don’t leave me.

Zach: I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.

Zach took off his hoodie & bundled it up & placed it under Jenna’s head. Pretty soon the paramedics arrived & Jenna was in labor. They closed down the hallway & shut the windows for privacy. Amongst the medical professionals, Zach & Jenna, Mrs. Freedman came along to help Jenna as she was in labor. After a few hours of pushing, crying & yelling, a baby’s cry was heard. Zach was full of sweat but also full of joy as he watched Jenna deliver her baby. He decided that moment that he would be willing to do anything for this bundle of joy.

Nurse: It’s a healthy baby boy. Congratulations!

Zach smiled at Jenna & kisses her.

Zach: You did it, Jenna. You’re a mom.

Jenna: Thank you for everything, Zach.

Nurse: Once mama & baby are stabilized we need to get both of the things to the hospital.

Mrs. Freedman: Ok, let me gather your things, Jenna. Your maternity leave starts today.

Jenna: Thank you, Mrs. Freedman. For everything.

Mrs. Freedman knew about Zach & Jenna, but she kept all that she saw to herself.

Nurse: For the birth certificate, we’ll need a name for your son.

Zach & Jenna looked at each other.

Jenna: His name is Zachary Hunter

Nurse: Ma’am, we’re going to need a last name.