But God!!

I don’t know who needs to read this but...(just a little background) feb 2016 I had an ectopic pregnancy that caused me to lose my left tube. Which meant I only had the right tube. November 2017 had an early miscarriage. Feb 2018 pregnant again only to find out it was an ectopic now in the right tube. The doctor plan was to remove that tube and she told me I’d have to do

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

. Well minutes later she changed her mind and said we’ll just try the methotrexate. Yea it worked after 2 shots!! August of 2018 my husband and I started trying again. Months went by... NOTHING. I had one moment where I tried the castor oil packs serrapeptase and the Chinese teas 🤮. Still nothing I just gave up on all that. Oct of 2018 o had an hsg done that showed spillage in the tube but it did not release in my cavity. Which meant there had to be some type of scarring in the tube that didn’t allow it to spill into the cavity. I prayed prayed prayed and prayed because I really couldn’t afford the

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

. So my husband and I still continued to try and track my ovulation. In aigust of 2019 I tried again the castor oil(for about a week) serrapeptase instantly made me throw up so I only took three pills this timeN stopped and the wobenzym twice and stopped. But I continued the geritol for two months straight. N throughout I prayed and prayed!!! My last period was August 30 2019 n I just didn’t bother to do an ovulation test... well sure enough sept 1 I got my first positive. A day or two later the line got darker. October 1 2019 (4wks 5 days) I went to my obgyn just because I was having some cramping but no bleeding n I knew I was at high risk so they did a transvaginal ultrasound. Uterus only showed thickening of the endometrium but no sac right ovary showed cyst..and she searched n dug trying to see if there was an ectopic again but still saw nothing. So she said it may be too early so It could still be ectopic. My hcg came back 416 day and she said until it’s 1500 or 2000 we won’t be able to see anything at all. Two days later (5 wks 0days) my hcg went to 943. As of now I’m 5 wks 1day. I will get a repeat Monday. Now I’m having pretty bad dull achy low back pain mainly on the left and I still have mild cramps here and there. Like period cramps But no bleeding. Is this normal. I’m praying n trying to stay positive that everything will be okay. But still beyond thankful that I was able to even get a positive after having a history of two ectopic. One in each tube. But God 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾!