Miscarriage advice

From my dates I Believe I should be 8 weeks.

When I was 7 weeks I went for a early scan, and they said that they could see the sac and yolk but doesn’t look like I am as far as my dates.. maybe a week behind and to come back in 2 weeks for a rescan.

Week later I had a little bit of bleeding as shown in picture, no pain and very little amount.

Went to hospital and they done internal examination and said that my womb is closed, no concerns of an ectopic pregnancy but to go and get a scan at the EPU.

Went back for scan and they have said there is nothing at all in my uterus to show anything.

However I still hav no major bleeding, or pain or passed anything.

Bleeding has now stopped 24 hours after it started.

I have taken a clear blue digital which is showing 2-3 weeks.

Would you say this is a completed miscarriage.

I am confused to when it could have happened, and where has the sac gone.. will I need any further tests to make sure nothing is left..