Toxic Friend. I took her to the hospital

This was conversation between me and a friend of mine . I lowkey been wanted to cut her off but didn’t . It took me a day to respond to her initial message because i didn’t know how to address her.

She’s a fake friend .

The last time we went out she was trying to see who could get the most dudes (knowing I’m talking to someone heavy)

She tries to compete with me in life - who has the better boyfriend.

She told me I dress like a white gurl (whatever that means lol)

She says I’m fat even though I’m not and she’s the one with the self image problem

She would always ask me what I’m wearing when we go out to one up me

She’d say “I have those same pants or shirt” and don’t !!

She never says anything positive or say she’s happy for me

When I tell her good news especially with a boy . She’d say “good luck with that”

There’s more not real friend things she does but it’s so much .

OH WAIT ! I give her rides to her “man” house when she needs it. I lie to her mom with her and say she’s coming by me or we’re going out when she’s really going see a 29 year old man (she’s 19)

Or she’d go see this 39 year old man !

When she was in an abusive and toxic relationship I was there to help her every time he called the police. I even went to his house with her to talk to him and he wanted to call the police on me and her ! Not only that but I left work early to help her because she called my job crying saying she was going to jail (because of him)

All of those are different situations btw

Recently she thought she had herpes and I took her to and from the hospital .

It’s a lot that I do for this girl and she had the audacity to text me that ... it pissed me off btw she does nothing for me in return.

Am I wrong for the way I responded ?


She’s been texting me and I’ve been IGNORING HER because how could you even test my loyalty like that ? She’s been watching my insta snaps and my Twitter.

She then proceeds to text me this Sunday , the same day she asks me if I was ignoring her. Like why are you texting me off a fake app ?

Safe to say she’s a KID ! Hella childish and I am THROUGHHHHHH !!!

I’ve been nothing but a GREAT friend and she knows that . That’s why she kept trying to change the subject then tells me stop texting her ... YOU TEXTED ME OFF A FAKE NUMBER WHEN I WAS IGNORING YOUUUU!!!

⚠️⚠️⚠️EXTRA TEA UPDATE !!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

I haven’t responded to her dumb ass yet . But look at this . Jawian is this guy I’ve been dating