Am I over reacting?

My boyfriend who I’ve been together with for 4 years will go to extremes to make me feel like shit sometimes. Today’s incident really was the cherry on top and I’m starting to wonder what is SO wrong with me that he feels the need to make me feel like this. So I washed our bathroom mats today and when I took them out of the washer they were absolutely ruined (I’m guessing the material is meant to be hand washed and I just wasn’t aware) no biggie..they weren’t expensive and easy to replace. So I went to see my boyfriend and shared what just happened with these exact words “hey babe I washed our bathroom mats and the washer ruined them you should have seen the inside of the washer it was full of shedding :(“ and he just laughs in a rude way and rolls his eyes at me. I said what’s so funny?! And he just wouldn’t entertain the conversation and without saying it I know he blames me. Anyway this might sound like a minor issue but it happens all the time this is just one example that really threw me off today. Whatever I do is never good enough and he makes me feel like shit. His excuse is “I treat you so good 95% of the time why do you have to dwell on the other 5%?!” Ummm EXCUSE ME?