Early gender ultrasound

Abbigail • Married and expecting a little boy on May 16th, 2016!! 💙😍 we love him so much already!
Okay. So I want to announced the pregnancy AND the gender by Christmas. I haven't really told anyone I am pregnant and don't plan on telling them until then. I live 6 hours from family and friends so I don't have to worry about any early baby bumps giving it away. Well, I'll be 20 weeks December 27th. And my doctor is basically refusing to do the ultrasound until then, but I'm going to be with my family then. He said then we will do it after. So basically no gender reveal. I asked him if he could do it just a few days in advance. Like the 22nd. I'll be 19 weeks and 2 days. He said probably not. I found a place that will do the gender ultrasound before Christmas (private ultrasound place) and it will cost $75 to get the ultrasound to find the sex and get a CD and a gift bag and all that fun crap. My SO doesn't want to do it because he doesn't want to spend the $75... Like really.. Does NO ONE want to know the sex besides me? This is my pregnancy. And my body. And if I want to know the gender 4 days earlier than GOD DAMN IT I will. Rant over. Am I wrong here ladies?