Coltan vs Colton

Ok I’m in a mess of coltons. Coltan #1 (with an A) and Colton #2 (with an O) ...both in the same class. Colton 1 and I hung out Saturday. Cuddled for 6 hours, tickled each other a bit, and even kissed a little. Come to find out he’s cuddling other girls.

So I told Colton 2 that if he’s gonna play games, I will to. He said he’s gonna play along but I think we’re going on a real date (but he said not a date). He’s taking me to play golf and dinner.

Welllll.....there’s a bet involved. If he wins, he gets to kiss me. Sooooo

Meanwhile, Coltan 1 has been asking who I’m hanging out with and everything. He’s being nosy bc he wants to know so it’s working. However, I’m actually starting to like Colton 2. Y’all I’m in such a mess.