Best foods during pregnancy for someone with food allergies

Kalina • Baby #1 Due June 2020!

I just found out I’m pregnant, and I am overweight so obviously I want to try to do what I can to be as healthy as possible while pregnant. The problem here is I have a ton of food allergies to things that are generally the basis of healthy meals.




Coconut (so anything with coconut oil is a big no-no, pretty much eliminates almost everything)


Apples (related fruits like pears)






Carrots (including black carrot juice, a common ingredient in health foods)

You don’t realize how many things have apple juvice, coconut oil, and carrots in them until you start looking, and then it leaves you with almost nothing to eat except junk food when you go shopping if you include the rest of them. If you don’t believe me, next time you go grocery shopping, read ingredient labels in everything you buy and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

So what are some healthy, pregnancy safe options that you suggest that you think I might be able to make/buy and eat? Thank you in advance!