How do I stop breastfeeding?

Jessica • Baby Jaxson 💙💙💙 Baby #3 Pending 🎀🎀🎀

My son is 8 months now and HATES bottles. He wont even look towards a bottle. But I need to go back to work my husband and I just bought a new home being built and I wanna help him with money to furnish and everything. So I'm ready for him to go to daycare! I've tried everything pumping and giving it to him, tried a sippy cup, someone else feed him and about 10 different bottles. He hates pacifiers and doesnt care for baby food. So breastmilk is his go to thing.Someone help me I need to get back to me. I loved breastfeeding but its time for something new.

Also he is under weight at 14lb at 8 months. The doctor keeps encouraging to put him on formula to monitor how much he drinks.