Men are fucking trash

Just got a phone call from a guy I’m fuckings girlfriend. Oh wait apparently their planning their wedding so fiancé. Wtf I was just waking up so it definitely caught me by surprise. She’s like we are going through something and we live together. BITCH WHAT!?! He was just visiting me at my job and asking me to come over just the other day!. I only said “ok” because I was in shock. I wanted to eventually date this guy but here we are. Wow I fucking hate men lying motherfuckers! What do you do when another bitch is calling about her man? Like girl he’s your man call him. Good thing she didn’t come at me disrespectfully because I honestly didn’t know but I’m in the mood to kick someone’s ass lol. I am expressing my feelings not calling her a bitch to be mean. I can be shocked too. If you were going to judge no one asked for your comment. Thanks. It’s funny because people post no judgement post all the time or don’t comment with rude comments. So I can too