Ultrasound worries


So I went Friday for an ultrasound and they didn’t get a heartbeat. I’m supposed to be 8 weeks today. There should have been a heartbeat but there was only a fetal pole. I’ve had four scans. One every week bc I’m very high risk.

5w/Scan 1: gestational sac

6w Scan 2: bigger gestational sac/ beginning of yolk sac

7w Scan 3: definitive yolk sac/beginning of fetal pole.

7w4d Scan 4: measurable fetal pole (hcg 18,100)

I go back Thursday 10/10/2019.

I’ve lost 3 in a year. I’m so scared I’m going to lose this one too. My hcg today was 22,666.

I’m nervous. I was really banking on a heartbeat on this past Scan.

Somebody please give me some hope.