Dear Ryder


I’m sorry I had sex with you before you broke up with your girlfriend. I’m sorry I ruined your relationship with your best friend, my boyfriend. You were always such a good friend and I loved hanging out with you and all our other friends and your girlfriend was my best friend. Everything we had together can’t ever be spoken of and I keep those memories in dark box. I’m sorry for how much you trusted me. I’m sorry I was so insane and for the time I cut myself in front of you and you had to get my brother to help stop the bleeding. I’m sorry for all the nights we slept in my car and would talk to each other about our past traumas. I’m sorry for the time I was going to kill myself and you had to hold me down. I’m sorry for the fight you got in with my boyfriend and for the stitches you had to get in your lip. I’m sorry I said I’d stay when I couldn’t. I know you were trying to get better after your hands locked around my throat and you made me cry because I was scared and couldn’t breathe. I know you had to stay in a mental hospital because I ignored you for days and you couldn’t take it. I’m sorry I cheated on you with my ex bf. I’m sorry for everything I ever did to you Ryder. You were the fire in my fire and I won’t forget it, I just hope you keep these memories in a dark box too.