Irresponsible with money?


I met this amazing man. He’s nice, handsome, positive, affirming and completely adores me....

But he suck with managing his money.

Right now, he’s in between jobs. Still trying to get is life together. That’s fine with me— I don’t mind building/growing with you— but you have to live within your means.

Example: I said I’d help pay half of his rent and his certification. He expresses his gratification. Then a couple of hours later, he asks me what size panties I wear. I’m like dude— you don’t have to buy my panties. Save the little money you have!

Example: We went to a cabin trip with some friends. I paid for everything (lodging etc). And I wanted to sit out on an activity. He decided to do it. Spent his last 90 dollars in the activity.

Meanwhile- your rent isn’t paid. Neither is your car note.

What advice do you have for communicating with a guy who adores you (treats you amazing) but sucks with managing money? And making responsible decisions.