I dont even know who I am anymore!!!

Im hoping to get advice- maybe be put in check.

I'm in a mentally and emotionally abusive relationship with my daughter's father. Him and I have been together for 3 years. He has not always been so bad, of course i fell in love with him for a reason.

But the manipulation, put downs, gaslighting, control, and blame has surely destroyed the person I am/ was. I dont even know who I am anymore. I have pushed away almost all of my friends and my family I feel like resents me. They are always here for my daughter and I, but i feel like I'm pushing them to their breaking point because I just cant find the strength to leave him. He makes me feel like I need to fix us. That if I dont, no one else will love me and I will be throwing away some amazing thing...

I have had every out in the book to leave this man and I always go back. I dont know what is wrong with me. I am in therapy and trying to work through this. I truly feel like such a fuck up and the worst mother to my little girl. Those of you who have been in abusive, addictive relationships- how did you leave and make sure you STAYED AWAY?

Sincerely, an exhausted mama.