Anyone else feeling the love?


I know no relationship is perfect. In mine we bicker and debate often. We both always think we're right. Sometimes he gets jealous unnecessarily.

BUT we also can admit when we're wrong. We apologize when we need to. He brings the best out of me and convinced me to go back and to finish school (graduated in May). He takes care of me financially. Takes me on vacations. His family loves me and I love them. We're always on an adventure. The sex is great. We are working through our communication issues so that we bicker less and he's even working on his jealousy. It's not facebook perfect like you'll see some people pretend to be. But we're perfect for eachother. I love this man.

I hope anyone reading this is just as happy in their relationship and if they aren't, they find a way to get there or find someone new that makes brings the best out of them. 💕