Long Distance Sucks


I'm only about a month and a half into a 4 year long distance relationship (I just started college). I've seen my boyfriend twice in that time, but the first time I saw him was over a weekend 2 weeks in. The time after that was 2 weeks later. The next time I'll get to see him is in a month (it's October 8, he'll be visiting November 8 for Veteran's Day Weekend) and that seems like such a long time apart. We're a 6 hour drive apart and he's also going to school full time with a full time job.

I knew long distance would suck when we agreed to go into it... But I didn't know it would be this hard. Sometimes we bicker because one of us gets jealous or just needs to be reassured about our relationship. I'm not a very affectionate person, but this relationship is making it hard. I also recently got on birth control a few months ago and I know it's been contributing to my emotions. But I've never craved someone's touch so badly. I just want a hug from him. Or to hold his hand. Don't even get me started on sex.

I guess what I'm saying is that I just really need help making this long distance suck less...