Dishonest husband


So I dont know where exactly to start with this. My husband has a tendency to exagerrate and lie ( very well i might add).

I'm just done now. I dont know if I can continue with any of this. We didnt put any of our money together until 2016 when i qas pregnant. We had been married 4 years prior. And literally all the bills fell on me and he paid the mortgage. Okay sure.

Now our money is together. We each have separate accounts that we can both see and i do have an account that just bill and grocery money goes into that only i can see ( last time it was set my hubby xould see it he blew half od it on a new gun.]

My husband haa a schedule that allows him to work sidejobs. He works rotating schedule with 4 daya off a week. Our 3 year old still goes to daycare these days. I HAVE to work a 9 to 5 mon thru friday because of his schedule.

Okay so recently found out he has a bank account at a completely different bank with 3 grand in it ( i was just using my credit card that day for our son's bday party. I confronted him about it and he said it was money the guy he was working for gave him to go buy all the lumber. Sure makes sense because this has happened before.

Well today i checked his phone , just because i had an off feeling. And guys he has been blowing through 3 grand on going out to eat and bs stuff.

I am at a loss. I just was hoping he wasnt lying and at this point I feel like i am finished.

He stood there and lied to me point blank

Hes told me in the past that its "his play money cause he works sidejobs on his days off" i told him whatever im still paying on dr bills from our child being born. I also dont have the opportunity to work sidejobs for my own "play money: cause my siejob is our son!

Sorry for all the typos...typing quickly before clocking in for work.