Am I being selfish?

Okay. So before I write this let me just say I have been in a LD relationship with this man for over a year and 5 months. So it has been hard AF man.

So my boyfriend is a marine and getting out early, like this weekend. I was so excited!! 🎊🥳

But he said he wanted to stay with and hangout with his friends this weekend in CA because he didn’t know when he was going to see them again. (I live in MN)


My heart broke 💔

But keep in mind there are reasons why he doesn’t want to come to MN.

1. His father recently died like a little over a month ago and he has to come to an empty home that he has now inherited

2. Not only did his father pass away but his brother did (his only sibling) like 5 years ago. And I live near his hometown so like a lot of memories when he comes home.

He told me the reason why he doesn’t want to come home right away is that he just wants a weekend to relax before the crazy when he comes home. (Sorting out will, selling house, throwing things and keeping them ex.)

I like for reals get all of that. But I still feel like a cat kicked to the curb. Ya know? But maybe I’m being selfish and he truly deserves a weekend before he comes home to sorting out his life with his family all passed away.

But what do you think? Am I being a selfish little b****, or are my emotions valid. I just really want to see him after a year and 5 months waiting for this day to finally happen.