Accidentally went natural

Sierra • Oakley Paige 12/14/17 🌸 Roman Harris 10/8/19 🌙

Let’s start off by saying I give major props to every momma out there, you kick ass no matter how you brought your babies into the world 💞

Now for me, I’m a huge baby to pain. I got the epidural at 3cm when I had my daughter and felt absolutely nothing. It was magical and everything I wanted. Fast forward to earlier today.. I’m being induced for medical reasons and my contractions start to get uncomfortable, nothing I couldn’t handle. I make it to 5cm and decide that I’d like the epidural. In the 5 minutes it took the anesthesiologists to get upstairs and the addition 10-15 minutes it took him to put the catheter in my back I progressed to 10 cm. Now I felt the urge to push. There was no time for them to start the meds so I’m feeling everything. Of course the nurse is saying I can’t push yet but I literally can’t stop my body from doing it. She’s hustling around trying to get everyone together and get things plugged in.I’m crying and screaming for them to do something while also for some reason trying to escape the bed? I even threw my blood pressure cuff off of myself at some point 😂 I’m apologizing to the nurse for being a bitch when I’m in pain during all this too.

Finally the midwife shows up with my boyfriend (he was out of the room so I could get the epidural) and has just enough time to put on some gloves before all hell breaks out. I’m told I can finally push when I had to. Baby’s heart rate began to drop so they’re screaming at me that I need to get him out NOW. I’m screaming back that I can’t. Somehow the midwife ends up basically on top of me forcing her hands in to pull him out, my legs are bent at the weirdest angle and I feel like I’m taking the biggest poop of my life 😅 Then so much relief and he’s put on chest. He’s blue and not crying so I’m beginning to freak out yet again. Thankfully he just needed his airway cleared a little and he was fine. In the end I didn’t have the labor I thought I would but I would do it 100% over for this little face 💓 Can’t wait for his big sister to meet him!

Roman Harris -



11:26 am

18 3/4 inches long

Pre bath cuddles