

Hi moms! FTM here. My baby girl will be 3 weeks on Friday. I know that newborns don’t really have a sense of day/night yet and won’t follow a routine just yet. I also understand that every baby is different, so it’s hard to compare but I’m just looking for some insight!

I ’m wondering about your bedtimes and baby’s sleep if your baby is around the same age. What time do you put them down for bedtime? How much does your baby sleep/wake throughout the night? My daughter sleeps in her Halo bassinet next to our bed, swaddled with a sleep sack, and a sound machine on with white noise. The longest stretch of sleep she’s done in the bassinet is about an hour and a half. Typically, she does 45 minute stretches and is up very often. She doesn’t cry or scream in her bassinet (which makes me believe that she’s not in distress but just wants out of there) but tosses around and makes noises... eventually she cries if I haven’t gotten her yet. Then it’s about an hour of breastfeeding, diaper change, and getting back asleep. I’m wondering if anyone finds that bedtime affects the sleep patterns or if theres any other ideas for getting her to sleep for longer stretches. I think she’s just uncomfortable in the bassinet alone when she wakes and realizes that’s where she is, but we’re sticking to safe sleep only!

Thanks in advance!!!!!! 😴🥰