Advice anyone ?

So it’s mine and my boyfriends anniversary today of 7 months. recently he’s been talking to me less,mentioning girls to “annoy me” and all around just being completely different. I got out of a very bad relationship before him and was very

scared to get into one but with him i feel safe and have a really good connection. he’s been doing really suspicious things though now like he showed me his call list to ask if he knew this person that called him. i didn’t know the number but when i looked at the previous calls before it didn’t make sense. it said he called me (when i say called me i mean the person he had called was saved exactly like how i am saved)5 times through out there day 2 times from me when in fact he barely spoke to me that day and we called at the end of the day for 3 mins then he went to sleep apparently tired but after mine and his call there was the caller again. i said happy anniversary to him today and all he did was send a X. i was ready to plan so much for him but now i feel like there is no point. I genuinely do trust him a lot but these are things that aren’t making sense and i can’t ignore this now it’s been going on for a while. Anyone with advice ????