

Anyone else’s doctors pushing all these tests on you?

I switched doctors for this pregnancy and my first was definitely not like this.

They were pushing 4 tests -

1. The normal genetic testing - which I’m not high risk, and I know many women get it anyways but i would just prefer not to.

2. Cystic fibrosis - I never had my previous doctors ask this

3. My doctor said because I wasn’t taking vitamins before I got pregnant I need to do a test where they can figure out if the spine is forming properly? Which was also not an issue with my previous pregnancy. They are being persistent on this test. I mean legit guilting because I didn’t take prenatals before I found out I was pregnant.

4. I do not remember the 4th one 😭😭😭

Also - this did not happen with my first either, but they are requesting an 1,000.00 deposit for the birth? We have a pretty standard insurance plan but my other doctor did not request this 😳😳😳 wondering if I should just switch back to my other office.