Is He Cheating or Not.....


My husband and I have been together for over 5 years. We have a beautiful daughter together and are expecting our son in December. He is the only man I have ever romantically loved. Lately, something has been bothering me. He has a new female friend named Katy, she is 18 years old. My husband is 30 years old and I'm 27. He swears they are only friends, which is all fine and dandy, but he will not let me meet her and he only messages her on Snapchat. He thinks my jealousy is unwarranted and I should just trust him. I want to trust him, but he has been acting really shady and is overly protective of his phone. Plus he likes to talk about her in sexual ways to me. IDK if he is trying to make me jealous on purpose or what. He knows his friendship to her bothers me, but he just doesn't care. I don't know what he is getting out of his relationship with her. She is so young. No life experiences she could possibly share with my husband. I have been through everything with him from the good, bad, and the scary. I either want definitive proof he is cheating or proof that he isn't. I'm tired of this nagging voice in my head telling me something is not right. I have thought about trying to look at my husband's phone, but haven't brought myself to do it. I've also thought about separating from him, but have no real place to go. Idk what to do, talking doesn't help he just gets mad and threatens divorce. I'm at my wit's end.