30th Birthday!

Last week was my 30th birthday. I wanted to post this on that day but I couldn't gather the courage. I didn't have anyone whom I can share this with, that's why I figured this the best place to do so. I just wanted to share how my life has been so far.

Imo there are sooooo many positive and supportive women on this app, I've never seen so many amazing women on any platform hyping each other up so much as it happens on <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>.

These 30 years have been weird and sweet.

1) I've had the perfect childhood, spent it with a great family (although my parents hate each other but they love me to death).

2) I've studied masters in marketing.

3) I've always been overweight.

4) I have travelled to almost 18 countries.

5) I've been diagnosed with cancer and went through intense chemotherapy, spent about 70 days in the hospital.

6) I've always had really really long and thick hair but lost all of it during my treatment.

7) I've never had sex.

8) I've never had a bf, never had any guy tell me that he likes me (forget loving me lol)

9) I've lots of girlfriends who adore me a lot.

10) My 20s have been really bad, I've had irrational fears because of which I didn't pursue any career path. Hence, I've no ambition in life. (Apart from a career I loved the idea of being a housewife but considering my bad luck with men God knows if it'll ever happen)

11) Over the years most of my closest best friends have left me and moved to another country 🥺💔

12) It's been a few years since I have felt the feeling of happiness or peace.

But I still stay positive most of the times & put on a brave face for the world.

Please send me your good wishes and blessings. Please pray for me that my 30s are the best best best years of my life and I get more than I ever dreamed of. Pretty, please. ❤

That's me 👆

If you'd like to share/say anything, I'd love to know. ❤