Baby daddy's mind games are getting to me


Hi guys I have a wonderful nearly 3 year old I split from his daddy nearly a year ago as he had an addiction problem that became apparent after I had our son. It steadily got worse and I tried to support him but he constantly lied to me told me he had stopped, promising to stick with the programmes etc eventually he ended up in hospital multiple times. Then lost his job and showed no interest in getting another and the final straw came when he stole the money from his sons piggy bank while I was at work. Sorry that turned into a rant. Anyway since we have split I have tried to be civil and I let him come and see his son whenever he wants which is inconsistent as he says he will and does not but he constantly feels the need to contact me just to call me names or say all these horrible things his family thought about me. I thought I was letting them roll off my back but tonight I was having a chat with step mom and broke down and basically poured my heart out about what a cold horrible selfish person I am and how my little boy would be better of without me. And I know this is after nearly a year or hearing this from him I'm starting to believe it. I think I scared my step mom rigid as she's not a particularly warm comforting person. But I just don't know what I can do as I've told him before not to contact me unless it's about our son and all I get is the snide comments nothing aggressive or threatening just snide and they are obviously starting to work 😢