Cluster feeding?


Question: do babies eat a full feeding when they cluster feed?

Baby is 4w4d, and I think she is going through the 5 week leap. Last night, for example, she wanted to eat constantly from 10pm- midnight, and then through till morning at 1:30, 2:30, and 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, and 8:30. At each of these feedings, except the end of the midnight session and 8:30am, she basically had a half feed. We could not persuade her to eat more- she would either show signs of overeating, or fall asleep. We breastfeed, and then top up with formula. If she’s just having formula (so I can have some sleep at night), she’ll have 4 oz. Last night, I was lucky to get her to stay awake for 10 min on one boob, when she usually spends 15 min on each on avg, and when she had formula she would only have 2 oz.

Does this sound typical? Are we in for a couple of nights of this?

Baby is on track with weight gain and growth.