Traumatic bathroom break TMI I need some bodily functions advice

.... I have never experienced anything like that before.. and I’m really very sorry for having to talk about this. TMI times a million this is your warning. It’s about poop.

We all poop. We are all human. But this is so embarrassing I don’t even want to talk to my mom about it okay 😭 I just had a traumatizing experience while trying to poop.

To put it frank, it was too big.. but it was half way out and stuck. I couldn’t move because it felt like my ass was being prolapsed and I seriously started to get scared about that happening. I sat there for a minute in agony and it just wasn’t moving. I, not knowing what to do and after a good minute had extreme uncontrollable urges to push and when I did I just felt myself ripping. I was screaming whilst on the toilet and I was literally scared. I WAS SCARED OF MY POOP. I probably have a hemorrhoid now. My anus is literally swollen. My body did that on its own, I had no control over that. It forced itself. it was extremely horrible and painful and it’s probably going to happen again and I’m wondering wtf I can do to help myself if I’m ever in that very unfortunate situation again. I literally don’t think my butthole will survive that a second time, scared I’m gonna have to go to the ER with a prolapsed butt.

Yes it’s okay to laugh I don’t care. I’m just a sad person who’s going to eat some stool softeners and I’m scared of that happening again.