Tired of the shit

He gets home around 9:30pm has been arguing with me for the last 3 hours it is 12:30am. He has been telling me to tell him the truth. Supposedly about talking to other people. He has been grabbing my private areas. Pulling my hair. Kissing me. Holding me down. Yelling in my face. Grabbed my hand and started hitting himself in the face. I would push him away only because I’m not trying to be violent in front of my child. He is threatening to smash my phone. Grabbing my phone away from me. Pushing me into stuff. Grabbing my glasses off my face. Trying to provoke me into hitting him. Telling me to kill him. Threatening to kill himself in front of me. Hitting his head into things. Not letting me leave the room. I am making arrangements to leave it’s just so hard man. My kid doesn’t deserve this. He is just getting worse and worse.