I think my husband and I are done...


Sorry if this post seems dramatic, but Im kinda inshock..

My husband left his phone at home tonight. He works a night shift, so I barely see him.. Anyways, I decided to do the thing I knew I shouldnt have and looked around his phone. Since the firat year of our marriage, I found out he has a porn problem (bad), always bothered me. We have been working on it, discussing it, yahda yahda. Well, it seems its taken a step further in the direction of infidelity.. He has been on Reddit trying to chat with other women, looking for a "connection" because, apparently, im too busy for him. Saying I dont want to go out with him on dates...


I just had our third baby... I am a fucking stay at home MOTHER! I fucking cook three meals a day, (and bake) clean up after his FUCKING LAZY ASS! I care for his three children AND still find time and ENERGY TO PLAY WITH HIS FUCKING TINY DICK...

Im done....so so done..

Done with him. Done with his family. Done with his stupid, corny, fat ASS!

Did I metion, I am a classy piece of ass.

And Im 6 years younger than he is!! What the FUCK?!

Divorce... Thats it. Im done ladies. Im truely fucking over this shit....

Im gonna find me a big dick..


Thank you ladies! I was up all night thinking about the situation I have to deal with. I screen shot some of the conversations off of his Reddit for my own records so I can confront him on it. Im still not sure what I going to do after this enviable blow up were going to have once he wakes up.. 😒

Second Edit:

Well I confronted him. He didnt deny anything (because I had proof in my hand) he was a pitiful sight to see after wards. He admitted his faults and is officially out of the house as of today until further notice. I just cant believe this man. He hasnt been easy to live with on top of it. My problems didnt matter to him, he just wanted me to take care of his baby ass... Im just sorry I wasted four years of my life with his pitiful self...

Im not being hasty with anything just so y'all know. I need to get my new life in order and I need his corporations for doing that. He wants me give him "another chance", whatever that means. What a pitiful man he is. So deep in his own vices, he cant see the harm he is doing to himself.

Not my problem anymore...