What is on my face?

Brianna • 3 adopted kiddos. Been trying for a bio since 2012.

Hey guys! I’m only 6 DPO today. Last night I started to get this weird heat bump on my face. Sometimes I get them when I’m working out or on a hot summer day but yesterday I was FREEZING (I even wore socks to bed which I never do) and this morning I woke up with not only that bump but now my whole cheek has broken out. I do not ever have acne so this is very odd for me. I know it sounds like I’m symptom spotting and maybe I am. And that’s okay. Don’t attack me for it. We have been trying for over 7 years now. I don’t symptom spot every month but its hard to just wait it out when you have waited for so long. I ’m just wondering if anyone else broke out like this during their 2WW?

Also ignore my messy hair I’m about to go to the gym. Lol