He won't touch me anymore...

A little back story... My S/o and I have been talking about adding to the family. We both have children but we would like 1 more( I wouldnt mind 2 lol). This has been topic of conversation for almost 6 months. I have not taken my bc out yet bc I have been trying to focus on getting my health in line. That way I know I am being as healthy as can be for a pregnancy.

So now its September and I start my period. I didn't think anything of it, because it was pretty close to my normal start date. It's now October and I'm still having problems. I passed something that wasn't normal so I call the doctors. I go in for my appointment and they send me for blood work... Confirm that I am going through a miscarriage.

I am completely devastated and don't know how to react. I cry when I'm in the car alone or while I'm in the shower. The day I got the results back, I had off so I stayed in bed crying most of the day... He hasnt had much of a reaction to it. He hasn't said much. He asks me how I'm doing once in a while but won't actually talk to me about it. Unfortunately I do not have any friends or family to talk to. I have tried calling my therapist and I get no call back... We literally have not told a soul... You guys are the first ones to know...

With everything going on I can feel the distance growing between us. We are a very healthy, sexually active couple who spends every minute we can, with each other. But now... He wont touch me. He used to rub my back while we were in bed watching tv and wrap his arms around me and give me random kisses. It just seems like he can't stand to be around me. I dont know what to do or how to react. Last night we sat down to talk about it and all he said was his sex drive was gone after knowing and seeing whats going on... I didnt even ask him about sex. I know why we arent having as right now. But what I don't know; is why he seems appalled to even touch me in general. I try to brush it off but when we are each others support team and hes my rock. Its kinda hard to know how to react when I don't understand.