PLEASE READ! im desperate for answers


ive been having lots of symptoms & just overall not feeling well, including missing my period. 1 day missed period i took a test it said negative. Then 8 days missed period i took another test & it said negative. Could i still he pregnant and its just too soon? Im really not sure what to think, i really thought i was because i havent been having any pms indicating im about to get my period and i always ALWAYS get cramps bad for about 5 days leading up to my period. And for the past 2 weeks ive been having this awful nauseas hungry feeling, its the feeling i get when im hungry like an empty feeling but im not actually hungry it doesnt matter how much i eat i constantly feel like that. Ive also been very bloated and having lots more discharge then normal. And i started having pain in my tailbone for the last week or so. Im so confused. Today my period is 10 days late.