Lets Hear It Ladies!


Alright, it's like 1 and I can't sleep, so let's hear some stories. What has been your BEST sex experience? One time you'll never forget! You don't have to in detail, it don't have to be a story Lol just give some minor details such as time, place, with who(don't drop names Lol) and stuff like that!

For me, mine was the Christmas me and my fiance first got together. Christmas of 2013. It was Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> and to me I'll never forget it. He was sweet kind and gentle and for me it was the first time I ever made love. I get chill bumps just thinking about it. Don't get me wrong Lol we have great sex, but that one just stuck with me!