I was raped last Thursday/Friday (it was from like 3am-5am) by two men. I finally reached out to a friend on Sunday and went to the hospital for a rape kit. They gave me plan B which I took when I got home around 11pm Sunday night. I usually start bleeding within a day of taking plan B, but this time I’ve had NOTHING. I had a negative pregnancy test at the hospital (it would have been too soon to tell anyway) but my assault occurred right on my two most fertile days of the month (according to Glow). I’m also 185lbs, and I’ve heard that your weight can affect the efficacy of plan b. I’m not sure if either of them came inside me, but I’m just really fucking scared and I want to get my period already! I already have 2 children (by choice) and my life is really complicated right now and I just am PRAYING I’m not pregnant. Can ANYONE offer me some comfort??? Does Plan B still work even if you don’t bleed? How worried do I need to be??? I’m such a mess right now and I just really could use some emotional support.