Yesterday I had to say goodbye


Yesterday morning I had to say goodbye to my dog unexpectedly. He had been dealing with some issues the past couple of weeks. We were monitoring and treating them. Yesterday we woke up to him have trouble walking and rushed him the the vet. They tested his blood and found that his liver was failing, his gallbladder was starting to and eventually his kidneys were going to.

When we brought our sweet boy home October 14, 2018 we knew he had liver issues. He had lived with another family for 3 years who neglected home and never took him to the vet one time. We were ecstatic to bring him home. After trying for over a year we decided to add another greyhound to our pack. If I couldn’t have a baby I was going to give some of that love to a hound in need. He was everything I needed. He was an instant cuddler and we enjoyed many mornings snuggling in bed. So days I would be late getting up because of those extra snuggles. When I had surgery in May for a laparoscopy, he was in bed and at my side the whole recovery time.

When we got to the vet yesterday my husband was having hard time carrying him so I did. All 68 pounds. I scooped him up and the tech asked if I needed help and I looked right at her was a kind voice and said “He’s my baby. I can carry him.”

After hearing all the options that could only by him a short time and deciding we didn’t want him to ever get to the point of pain/suffering we made the decision. So at 9:20AM while he was in my arms, as he always was, I said goodbye to my baby.

RIP Mr. Brody Seyler


Wish we would have reached your first “Gotcha Day”

(First two pictures the day we brought him home)

The rest are some that show how beautiful he was.