I’m so confused!


I’ve got myself convinced I could be pregnant and I’m so nervous/scared. My period is three days late. The day of my expected period I took a test. Negative. The first day of my missed period I took another test with first morning urine. Negative. My period has been fairly regular the last couple of months. Maybe two days early here and there. Just seems like there is no sign of her at all. I had a few cramps today for like 20 minutes and got happy because I thought maybe that was a sign my period was coming, then the cramps went away. 😔 I put a tampon in to see if there was any blood at all, and none. The other night, maybe the night before my expected period, when I was laying down in bed, I closed my eyes and it felt like my head was spinning. I posted about this before... and then started thinking: My period is due. Just worried because my husband and I use condoms but about a week or so ago (I believe Sept 27th) we noticed (sorry tmi) that instead of the cum staying at the tip, it went down to the middle almost base of the condom (it was still in the condom but it didn’t just stay at the tip) Like it followed an air pocket down. We didn’t see anything outside of the base, even when he withdrew he examined it and tried to push the cum out of the base and didnt seem like it came out, but still I’m so scared because this just isn’t a good time right now. I know it never is but, times are really hard at the moment. Ugh! Financially and all. Any opinions? My obgyn ordered a blood test and the first pic is those results (the most recent) and the second pic is results from May 2018.. wondering why they’re different? Maybe because it’s two different labs?

The home tests that I used was Clear blue.

Yesterday’s blood test

Results from May 2018