Baby’s movements have changed 😫

Shara • Australia • 💕 Mother to Archer (June 2018) + Oscar (December 2019) + Charlie (July 2021) 💙💙💙

So annoyed, to be honest. I have an anterior placenta (had one with my first as well - who I was induced with due to reduced movements and diet controlled GD). I started feeling movements with this baby around 22 weeks. It was always only faint but it was something 😅 felt hiccups around 28 weeks. The last couple of weeks (I’m 31 weeks now), baby had been moving sooo much like almost constantly and they were so strong that some kicks actually hurt, but it was great. Now the last few days, I haven’t felt anything except for maybe 2-3 movements. I can tell he’s gotten lower cause I’ve felt hiccups once and they were right in my pelvis but it’s driving me insane not being able to feel things from him. I miss it. Also worries me cause of the movement problems I had with my first baby. I’m not feeling worried at this stage but wish he’d start moving more again 😫 even cold drink or sugaring products aren’t helping. Poking him, nothing. Sorry for the rant 😅