Am I being too protective


*I'm a first time mum and I'm only 20, I appreciate any helpful feed back or tips. Not bitchy comments that will only make me feel worse*

I had a little baby Girl (Scarlett-Annie) 9 weeks ago and obviously every new mum wants to show their baby off and put pictures on social media etc..

I completely made my Facebook so private you can see literally nothing and I have an album of my little girl with only selected family / friends able to view it.

My partners aunt has took it upon herself to save one of the pictures to her phone and upload it publicly to her own Facebook and I've brought up my concern only to be told I'm being a "mumzilla" or "weird" etc

Am I being to much or should they respect my decision of not wanting my daughter all over there social medias? I'd be find if she'd of asked and uploaded privately

(not even my partner uploads pics of her)