So sick of being sick


So I think I may be coming down with a cold. I’ve been having the sniffles and tingling in my throat when I swallow.

To top it off my blood sugar has been a little high today which makes me feel so drained and nauseous. I just can’t seem to make it go down. All I wanna do is cry until I fall asleep. I feel like a failure at times for having GD and no matter what I do nothing helps. One is the things i just can’t do is vomit 🤮 I cant handle it. I start crying and just overall sucks. So the fact that I’m nauseous And gagging is the worst!! 🥺💔

I just want to have good days like everyone else and I wish I didn’t have to have GD

Despite the fact I haven’t gained any weight I feel huge and miserable 😭

I see the dietician again next week and she stresses me out so much. All she ever wants to do is keep upping my insulin but I don’t want to keep doing that at least not this time around. When I was pregnant with my son I was on high insulin dose and he was growing fast. He was 8lb9oz at 36w when I had him!

I don’t know what to do anymore 😥😭