Birth Story

Dominique • 10-07-19 Christian 💚🧸

I was induced at 37weeks on Sunday October 6th at 5:30am. I was already contracting but nothing serious, at my OB appointment that previous Wednesday I was told I was one cm dilated but had somehow closed back up when I was induced. The first thing they tried was seaweed strips that would expand inside my uterus to make me dilate. That didn’t work so they then tried to insert a foley balloon but it wouldn’t fit cause I wasn’t dilated enough. After about 3 hours I was put on pitocin for a few hours, which helped me contract even more and made me dilate one cm. At 5:40 on October 7th they decided to insert the Foley catheter balloon again because I was one cm. When they finally got in and blown up, I started bleeding really bad. After I stopped bleeding I was taken in for an emergency cesarean section. The two things I remember vividly is me feeling like I couldn’t breathe and I had a panic attack and started hyperventilating. Luckily my mother was there to help calm me down. The second thing I remember is the first time I heard his cry, i was soo shocked and excited and happy all at once...

💚💚🥰🥰At 7:47 am on October 7th

Christian Thomas Anderson was born

Weighing 7lbs 5ozs, 19.9 in long🥰🥰💚💚

4 days old 🥰💚