Induction at 39


FTM with a question for you all. I am 38 weeks pregnant. I’ve been struggling since 36 weeks with severe back pain (and sciatica so I can’t quite get up, sit down, walk, or move without a shooting pain). Plus you know all the other things that come with the end of pregnancy. Since the ARRIVAL study has been published ( some doctors are totally fine at inducing after 39 weeks - if your unfamiliar with the study it was quite comprehensive and showed no adverse risk to induction at 39 weeks and in fact, a decreased risk of c-section when healthy first time moms were induced l at 39 weeks. Therefore they’ve offered me this option. I know everyone will have their own (likely strong) opinions, but I’m curious if others have been offered this, had this done, or had an induction for a non-urgent non-medical reason (just wanted it). I’m torn, obviously having an induction before needed scares me, but the reduced risk of c-section, even if tiny, is appealing, especially since my mothers birth story involved a less Than ideal c-section experience.