Pre-Term Labour and He’s Here!
After 5 months of saying I was going to post this I finally am Lol #momlife
April 16 2019 I woke up around 3 am with a few contractions here and there and didn’t really think much of it being only 34 weeks along and went back to sleep. Went to the chiropractor and out for lunch with my brother during the day and I was still having contractions on and off but the back pain was unreal, it was literally taking my breath away.
Around 6pm I was still having contractions and the back pain was getting worse so my husband and I decided to go to L&D to get checked out (after a lot of convincing from him). At the hospital they hooked me up to the monitor and it was showing I was having contractions, they checked me and I was 3cm dilated and 90% effaced.
They kept me in the triage room for another 2 hours to see if I was going to progress and when they came to check me again I was 4 cm dilated.
“Well, looks like you’re having this baby tonight”
My husbands jaw pretty much hit the floor 😂
Super nervous, they bring me up to the delivery room, filled out paper work, got me hooked up and my contractions stopped.
We stayed in the delivery room until 5am when they checked me again and I didn’t progress any further.
Because I was only 34 weeks and in preterm labour they decided to keep me for a few days and gave me injections that will help the babies lungs develop alittle faster. By Friday I was cleared to go home. In time for Easter Dinner

April 30th 2019 I woke up and started having contractions around 7am. I’m an esthetician and makeup artist so I had a client coming to my home to do makeup for her engagement pictures. She came around 10am and I worked through my contractions until we were done. She sat there making conversation and I was like

Girl I gotta gooo. My contractions were 4 minutes apart at this time and the hospital is about an hour away. I was home alone with no vehicle so my mom came and picked me up.
Of course she’s freaking out more than me, running around like a chicken with her head cut off and we finally leave for the hospital.
We get to the hospital and I’m 5cm dilated and 90% effaced so a nurse brings me a wheelchair and tells me my nurse will bring me up to the delivery room. Sweet. Except my nurse wasn’t so sweet 😂
She slaps me on the shoulder and says “get up, you’re walking”

So we walk up to my room and we put my iv in, and hook me up to the monitors , everything is great so of course I want to rest alittle before the real work starts, so I head for the bed. And the nurse goes “what do you think you’re doing”
And I’m like “ oh I’m just gonna lay down for a little bit” and she’s like “no way, we gotta get that baby moving”

So I’m walking around, and talking and waiting and breathing through my contractions. Cool.
She asks if I want to get in the bath, oh yeah! I heard it helps so much with contractions so of course. She runs my bath and helps me in and I’m in there for I kid you not 1 minute and it felt like stretching from the inside out. Like get me out of here

Once I was out of the bath my nurse decided to check me and I was at 7 cm so I’m like “ okay when can I get this epidural” (I have scoliosis and constant back pain so I was 120% I was getting an epidural)
She literally goes “ why do you want that”

“Uh because of the pain?? I don’t do well with pain”
“Oh no, you don’t need an epidural, you’re doing great girl! You can do this without it. You’re a trooper! Let’s just try the laughing gas!”

So we try the laughing gas and I’m hauling on it through contractions like my life depended on it, not expecting it to work. And oh boy did it work.
My head was rolling to the side and I was laughing like crazy. Drool pouring out of my mouth. Like oh this really works 😂

My water didn’t break on it’s own like they thought so a doctor had to come In and break my water around 9cm.
Pretty much right away my contractions got so much more intense, I felt like I needed to start pushing. And of course my nurse was like “don’t push, you’re not 10cm yet” and of course I was like “DONT TELL ME NOT TO PUSH, MY BODY IS JUST PUSHING”
So she checked me and I was 10 cm, my doctor was on the way so they tried to get me to wait until she got in the room. In the meantime I started to cry and kept saying “I can’t do this, I can’t do this” and everyone kept saying “it’s too late now, there’s no backing out” 😂
As soon as my doctor stepped in the room I started pushing and had no sweet clue what I was doing. My husband was holding the laughing gas tube right in my mouth so I could haul on it when I needed to, my mother in law was running back and forth from the bathroom getting me a cold cloth for my forehead, my grandmother was on one side holding my hand and my mom was holding one of my legs.
I pushed for about 40 minutes and my nurse comes at me with a catheter and I was like

“I’ll go to the bathroom”
So I got up and went to pee on the toilet, as soon as I sat down I felt like I needed to push.
And the nurses are like “no,no,no you need to come back to bed”
So they ended up doing the catheter and we continued to push, I pushed for another 25 minutes and we got to the “burning ring of fire”

No one told me about this! So my doctor was like just stop pushing, haul on your gas and hold until I tell you, his head is almost out and you just need to feel the burn so you don’t tear. And let me tell you it was the hardest thing but I hauled on the gas and literally blacked out I’m pretty sure 😂 I gave one more push and he was out.
April 30th 11:28 pm (36 weeks gestation)
Finnley Daniel Meldrum-Young,
A healthy 6lbs 13oz.

And here he is 5 months later

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.