My Induction Story


Originally due October 17 but got an elective induction for October 10. With my first I went into labor naturally. With this one, induced. Came in at 3pm. I was at 3.5cm 70% effaced. They started me on Pitocin. Contractions weren’t bad to me honestly. My Dr came in around 7pm I believe, I was at 4cm, he then broke my water. Now THAT is when the contractions were painful, but I breathed through them. I got my epidural shortly after (thank god! Lol) it took about 15 minutes to kick in. But this time it was different from my first epidural, I had to get 2 and I was completely numb, couldn’t even feel myself push. This time around, I definitely felt pressure, around my butt. I told my nurse it felt like I had to poop. She checked me and was shocked because I was at 8cm already! So she asked if I wanted to push and see what happened.

So I did a couple times and she said it was time to have a baby! So my Dr came in and I was able to feel myself push which was honestly really nice. It didn’t hurt, just some pressure. After about 5 pushes my second daughter was born! And! I didn’t even tear or need any stitches!!

I read sooo many induction stories that seemed awful and imaged mine would be too. Super painful or too long...I loved my experience. It really does depend on the person I guess. Just wanted to share my experience with you ladies!

Rylee Madison Berger born October 10 2019 at 9:11pm 6lbs 8oz