He made me cry on our honeymoon

So, my husband and I have a beautiful baby girl who's about to be two. As soon as she was born, I let him know I was ready for another baby. He said he was ready about 6 months later. We have been trying since then and have had two absolutely devastating miscarriages.

Through the whole process he has been very nonchalant. If we get pregnant, cool. If not, it's just not the plan god has for us. I kind of felt like he was just along for the ride because I want another baby.

Today we got massages on our belated honeymoon. They had us take a handful of seeds and close our eyes and make a wish. They said it's tradition to drop the seeds in the ocean. He took me by surprise by getting really into it. Hustling down to the beach, walking down the dock and taking it very seriously. I asked him what he wished for and he said he wished for a healthy, happy baby 😍❤ it took everything I had to not completely ugly cry in front of him. 4 DPO, fingers crossed this is our miracle.


We just got home and I took a test, fully expecting it to be negative. I took about 10 back to back and they are all faint positive!! I seriously can't believe it!

Thank you all for your kind words and all the baby dust 😊😊