Why is OUR daughter only MY responsibility?!! Do I have the right to be upset? PLEASE READ!

My boyfriend has his own business, and today he told me he’s going to be working the whole day. He usually does this. Which sucks for me because I’m home all day with our 12 month old. But I mean honestly, I guess it doesn’t matter anyways because I do everything. I cook, clean, do laundry, put away clothes, clean up after him, take care of our child, including bathing, diaper changes, feeding, bed time, etc etc etc. He will help most of the time when I ask...but honestly half the time he says he doesn’t want to. And whenever he does do it, I don’t hear the end of how he helps me if I tell him he doesn’t.

Anyways, the reason I’m upset is he has his friend come meet him at our house today he said he was going to help him work. He worked for maybe 3 hours, then told me he’s coming home with his friend and they’re going to hang out a bit because there’s not much to do. But he told me yesterday and today he has so much to do and it’s going to be a late night, so honestly I think he just got lazy because he friend was there. Which whatever I don’t care. I said ok just come back to the house a little later because I’m cleaning and cooking and I was honestly half naked 😂 I didn’t feel like getting dressed. I was more focused on getting everything done.

tomorrow we have the night off (in a long time) and I wanted to spent it relaxing and hanging out with him, which is why I wanted to get everything done today. Literally whenever our daughter does go somewhere for the night, I spend my time cleaning. Never relaxing. I wanted this time to be different because I honestly NEED it!! but he has a job that he knew about that he has to do tomorrow (which is annoying because he could have done it today), plus I guarantee he’s going to go back and do the job he was supposed to do today tomorrow. It just annoys me because whenever I ask him to hang out or to take time off for us to do something as a family or whatever he tells me he can’t. I was super sick one day and he didn’t take it off. The next day I was still sick and I told him he needs to, which he did, but then I didn’t hear the end of how he can’t take days off? I’m annoyed now because of all this plus it’s like all day you decided to just F off and do whatever you wanted, but I never ever can do that!!! If I ever want to go out he always says he wants to come. Like I’m going on for my sisters bday and I asked him to watch our daughter and he said I’m rude for not asking him and how he wants to come. A week ago my step mom asked me out for a coffee date and he said now that’s weird and for me not to be back late. I just don’t find it fair that he can do whatever he wants, but i can’t. I hate that our child is MY responsibility, not his. He can leave if he wants. I can’t. I don’t even drive so I literally can’t leave, even if I wanted to. I have to plan it ahead of time usually.

I literally never have a break. He always does. When he gets home he just chills on the couch while I’m running so runs doing everything. If he bathes our daughter, I spend that time cleaning half the kitchen, and then go upstairs put her to bed and go back down and finish cleaning the kitchen/family room. It’s like, why is it only me?

It’s just annoying! I understand he wants to hang out with his friend, that’s cool. But you have a family...you don’t need to hang out all day and night. I literally cleaned the whole house, cooked, did laundry, while taking care of our child all on my own today...I don’t care if he’s working. But he wasn’t, so he could have at least told his friend to leave for bedtime to help me with that? He’s literally been out with him all Day since 9am..14 hours!!! They’re just downstairs eating (probably making a mess in my clean kitchen) and playing video games while I’m upstairs feeling uncomfortable and angry!!!

Idk, am I wrong? Please be honest! I could be overreacting

*i forgot to add... after I CLEANED ALL DAY he allowed his friend to bring his dog into our house. Are you f in kidding me!?!! We have no pets...