Do you feel period pain in ovaries?


I was diagnosed with endometriosis through lap in 2015. Ive wondered if it’s back due to the debilitating pain... and lack of getting pregnant after trying for almost 3 years. I jsut hate that you can’t know for sure without the surgery. I want to get another one to see if it’s back but IJUST paid off the last one I had (literally took me four years to pay off) and even though I know the pain is debilitating there’s always that part of me that wonders what if they dont find anything and I’m just stupid and wasted money for no reason 🤦🏼‍♀️

Anyways.. for my gals with endo. Where do you feel your pain? I do get the deep excruciating cramps in my uterus but the pain for me is honestly mostly from INTENSE pressure in my abdomen and bottom area. And my ovaries HURT. It’s like they are being pinched and stabbed. Do you feel your pain in your ovaries too during menstruation? Just curious if this is something common with endo.
