“I say this with love: Get a job.”


I was told today that I need to get a job. By someone who knows I can’t leave the house most days. By someone who was with me every step of the way through finding out I was pregnant and then a month later, finding out I lost my baby. That was in July.

I responded “I say this with love: I can’t get a job, since I can’t leave my house most of the time due to my depression.”

Does that annoy the shit out of anyone else or just me?! Its only been 3.5 months since my miscarriage!! I can’t function like a normal human! I haven’t showered in like a week! My hair is all greasy and matted, and I only get out of bed bc I have to eat or my blood sugar bottoms out.

I. Am. Not. In. A. Good. Place.

Do. NOT. Tell. Me. To. Get. A. Job!!!!!